About Us


Voice of Restoration International is a non denominational, non profit organization committed to the service to humanity in learning institutions such as Primary and Secondary schools, University and Tertiary Institutions, Prisons, War victims, Refugee Camps and Host communities, Child protection, Churches and Mosques, Corporate services for Organization Staff, Networking and Partnering with consortium partners in the field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Research and Innovation, Livelihood and life skills trainings

Our West Nile head office is located in Nyai village, Ewavu Parish, Alikua sub county, Maracha District.
We have branch offices in Arua and Koboko.

At Voice Of Restoration International Limited are a Centre of excellence in offering;

1. Mental Health Advocacy
2. Holistic counselling and guidance
3. Training and capacity building programs
4. Consultancy
5. Crisis and Trauma healing and management
6. Positive parenting skills
7. Mentoring programs
8. Drug addiction rehabilitation programs
9. Transformational Development
10. Research and publications
11. Child protection
12. Mindset change
13. Conflict resolution and management

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